Bouquet delivery

We work with a cuisine du marché principe. This roughly translates to cooking from the markt: sourcing only seasonable flowers and looking for the highest quality. Below you find impressions of our two Ivy signature bouquet styles. Pictured colors are September color, when you order a bouquet it will contain the current seasonal colors.

Your bouquet will be similar, but unique!


Modern impression


Lady size

v.a. €55

Duchess size

v.a. €85

Queen size

v.a. €150

Classic impression

Lady size

v.a. €55

Duchess size

v.a. €75

Queen size

v.a. €150

Delivery info


Amsterdam delivery costs

€17,50 in the Amsterdam area. Will be delivered by our personal driver.

Other locations

Need flowers outside of Amsterdam? Please give us a call to discuss possibilities.

Next day delivery

Please order your bouquet 1 business day before.

Bouquet for today?

Call us to talk over if same day delivery is possible. We always try to help you out as good as possible.


We offer two payment methods.

1. PayPal for international bank account holders. Please find us yourself on PayPal and be so kind the transfer the money to us. @flowershopivy.

2. Pick up and payment in-store.

Order flowers

Thank you for letting us take care of your bouquet. Please fill out this email order form.